Analysis of Food Composition of Yellowstripe Trevally (Selaroidesleptolepis) In Paciran Waters, Lamongan, East Java
Paciran is one of the regions in East Java with great fisheries potential. Yellow Stripe Trevally is well known for its abundance in waters and categorized as high economic value within fisheries commodity. The abundance of yellow stripe trevally highly depends on food availability within its living habitat. The aim of this study was to analyze yellow stripe trevally food composition and its relationship with plankton abundance. The result of this study shows that phytoplankton abundance (21,600x103cell/m3) was found higher than zooplankton abundance (9.093x103ind/m3). The highest abundance of phytoplankton was found in Bacillariophycae (21,552x103 cell/m3) and the lowest was found in Coscinodiscophyceae (48.197x103 cell/m3). Between two classes of zooplankton found in this study, the abundance of Maxillopoda class (8.184x103ind/m3) was found higher than Oligotriceae class (0.909x103ind/m3). The composition of plankton in the stomach of yellow stripe trevally have similar pattern with the compositions of plankton in the waters.Based on the calculation of electivity index, there were seven genus that have a value 0<Ei<1 and it was considered as food options of yellow stripe trevally. The selected food compositions were devided into six genus of phytoplankton, those were Asterolampra sp, Coscinodiscus sp, Cyclotella sp, Dinophysis sp, Oscillatoria. sp, Pleurosigma sp, Prorocentrum sp, and a zooplankton genus, Calanus sp. The result of main component analysis shows that water clarity parameter had significant impact on the water quality, while pH was correlated with phytoplankton abundance within in the Paciranwaters.
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